Rookie (Ted Williams) Postcard

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Norman Rockwell The Rookie (Red Sox Locker Room, Saturday Evening Post, cover March 2, 1957.

Standard size postcard measures 4" inches by 6" printed on heavy weight card stock.

Rockwell paints Hall of Famer Ted Williams and Boston Red Sox baseball players including catcher Sammy White, pitcher Frank Sullivan, right fielder Jackie Jensen, and second baseman Billy Goodman during spring training in Sarasota, Florida. Exaggerating the contrast between the rookie and his veteran teammates, Rockwell portrays the newcomer as fresh faced and enthusiastic. Although Ted Williams wasn't available to pose, still photos of him were sent to Rockwell. However, these couldn't be used because they didn't show Williams in the necessary pose, and Rockwell used a stand in model in his place. Local Pittsfield High School student Sherman Safford modeled as the rookie.

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